GSA Newsletter: November 30, 2020
GSA Office Hours to Remain Virtual Until Further Notice
Due to COVID-19, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) office hours will remain virtual until further notice. If you wish to schedule
a meeting with the GSA Director or other members of the GSA, please email
Looking for New GSA Staff Members
- Graduate Council Representatives
- Graduate Council representatives study and recommend policy on matters regarding graduate faculty, graduate students and graduate studies at UNC. GSA representatives are members with full voting rights. Representatives are responsible for representing the interests of the graduate student population, taking notes at meetings, and reporting information to the GSA. The GSA appoints three graduate student representatives to serve on the Graduate Council during the academic year. Meetings in Spring 2021 are on the following Thursdays from 3-5 p.m.: Jan. 21, Feb. 18, March 25, April 15, April 29
- Student Senate Representatives
- The GSA Student Senate representative attends all general and business meetings for Student Senate. These meetings are generally held bi-weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30-7 p.m. The GSA representative presents the GSA report to Student Senate when available and represents the interests of the graduate student population.
- Grant Review Committee Members
- The GSA is seeking additional members to serve on the GSA Grant Review Committee. Members review research and presentation applications from UNC graduate students. Members also provide the GSA Director with feedback and suggestions on the GSA Grant process.
2021 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Virtual March & Celebration
Monday, Jan. 18, 2021
9 a.m.
Join us virtually on Zoom to start off with recognition of MLK, achievements of our
community and guest speaker.
10 a.m.
Everyone will be prompted to put on their MLK gear and participate in marching in
your neighborhood, tag a selfie on social media showing your support, wearing your
gear and walking in your neighborhood, park, etc. with #MLKGreeley2021.
Research Proposal Reviewers Wanted
UNC McNair Scholars program is seeking approximately 12-20 graduate students interested
in serving as blind reviewers for undergraduate research proposals in fields related
to anthropology, audiology and speech language sciences, bioarcheology, biochemistry,
biology, English, French, history, mathematics (mathematical modeling), political
science and psychology.
This opportunity is a great way to build your dossier and gain experience as a reviewer in research. Your service will also help aspiring researchers and “graduate-students-in-training” develop their research proposal skills. A letter of service will be provided upon completion of the reviewing process to add to your professional portfolio.
Volunteer Assignment
- Read one or two research proposals (~15 pgs each); provide appropriate feedback and recommendations (2-4 hours of time commitment)
- Reviewers will receive proposal no later than 5 p.m., Friday, Dec. 18
- Proposals with feedback are due no later than 8 a.m., Monday, Jan. 11
- Proposals recommended for revision will have one additional review period ending mid-February 2021.
- Master's or doctoral-level students at UNC
- Minimum of one semester of research methods coursework
- Experience conducting research
- Working knowledge of disciplinary standards for research in your field
- Familiarity with undergraduate-level writing is helpful, but not required
Contact the McNair Scholars Program at by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4. Include the following with your email:
- Your name
- Preferred contact information (email, phone number)
- Field of study
- Statement of qualifications (one-two paragraphs max.) — include list of research course(s) completed, title of studies/research in which you have been involved
- Disciplinary and/or methodological preferences, if any
- Number of proposals you are willing to use
Notable Courses: Spring 2020
Writing Qualitative Research (CRN# 23989)
SRM 688-001
Maria Lahman
Jan. 11-May 9, 2021
Tuesdays, 5-7:30 p.m.
3 credits
Synchronous Online
An in-depth study of the role writing plays in qualitative research and representation. Students will use data they collected prior to the course in a variety of analysis and writing activities. Areas of emphasis include the journal article, dissertation, and publication process.
Educational Ethnography (CRN# 22626)
SRM 685-006
Maria Lahman
Jan. 11-May 9, 2021
Mondays, 5-7:30 p.m.
3 credits
Synchronous Online
Provides in-depth study of ethnography as related to educational research including issues of ethics, politics, diversity and the researcher's role. There is an emphasis on critical and virtual ethnography. Students will propose and conduct a mini-educational ethnography.
Graduate Student News Wanted
Do you have exciting news to share from your program or personal life? Been published
or received an award? The GSA is looking for graduate achievements to mention in our
newsletter and on our websites. Please send any info to GSA Administrative Assistant